
你可以在悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House)观看表演或者参观后台,在导游的陪同下探索悉尼(Sydney)土著居民的故事,或是在参观新南威尔士州美术馆 (Art Gallery of NSW)的过程中了解各种能与你产生共鸣的艺术。澳大利亚博物馆 (Australian Museum)的亮点包括土著工艺品、恐龙化石,还有面向儿童的互动展示。

无论是海岸还是内陆,在新南威尔士州(NSW)地区的各大美术馆和博物馆,你都能发现多种多样的精彩活动。从悉尼出发经由陆路,90分钟即可到达鲍勒尔(Bowral)的布拉德曼博物馆(Bradman Museum)和国际板球名人堂 (International Cricket Hall of Fame)。名人堂是纪念传奇击球高手生平和职业生涯的地方。

Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
The entrance to the Roslyn Packer Theatre, Walsh Bay

悉尼(Sydney) 充满活力的艺术与文化



作为领军企业的悉尼戏剧公司(Sydney Theatre Company)位于沃尔什湾(Walsh Bay)附近。沃尔什湾是一个活力四射的文化管辖区。罗斯林帕克剧院(Roslyn Packer Theatre)和班加拉舞蹈剧场(Bangarra Dance Theatre)也都坐落于此。

班加拉是享有国际盛誉的土著舞蹈公司,在舞台上生动地呈现了丰富多彩的梦幻时光故事。你可以开启一场文化之旅,体验文化遗产之旅,也可以参观新南威尔士州美术馆的伊里巴娜画廊(Yiribana Gallery),深入了解澳大利亚的第一民族及其惊艳世人的当代艺术。

立即预订国家剧院(State Theatre)、首都剧院(Capitol Theatre)和悉尼利瑞克剧院(Sydney Lyric)的门票,欣赏精彩绝伦舞台剧与音乐剧。

新南威尔士州美术馆位于植被茂密的领地(Domain)区域内,毗邻皇家植物园 (Royal Botanic Garden),是艺术爱好者的必游景点。该美术馆建于1871年,拥有涵盖澳大利亚和欧洲艺术、土著艺术和摄影、亚洲艺术在内的丰富藏品,并经常轮流举办各种展览和活动。

悉尼博物馆(Museum of Sydney)位于菲利普街(Phillip Street)和大桥街 (Bridge Street)的拐角处。其前院的雕塑《森林边缘(Edge of the Trees)》象征着土著居民与英国第一舰队殖民者之间的首次交流。而海德公园军营博物馆 (Hyde Park Barracks Museum)是新南威尔士州位列世界遗产名录的监狱遗址之一,生动展现了悉尼作为流放地所经历的艰辛岁月。

Handa production on Sydney Harbour

Theatre and Shows

Home to some of Australia’s top stages, with performances to match, Sydney boasts a buzzing live scene. Enjoy theatre, shows, musicals and dance performances throughout the year. The Sydney Opera House frequently hosts some of the world’s leading performers.
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney

Art Galleries

Discover cutting edge contemporary exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA), to the much anticipated exhibitions at the Art gallery of NSW. Or visit groundbreaking, yet accessible and thought­provoking works at a number of independent galleries around Sydney.
E​xhibit at the Australian Museum in Sydney


A passion for the past? Then head for Sydney’s museums, which are among the city’s most popular attractions, showcasing everything from dinosaur skeletons to cultural artefacts. Step back into the past as you explore Sydney’s fascinating history.
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